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Product Details Overview

The Product Details page has 3 sections to help you drill into your matched products. If you don’t see a match you were looking for, you can request a match be added by clicking “Request A Match” and our team will review the request within 24 hours.

1. Your Product Details

At the top of the page you can see your products last known price, product image, and description.

2. Matched Products

The Matched Products table shows you matched products by competitor site. This table is sortable so you can list matched products by Match Type, Price, or Price Variance. The default sort is alphabetical by Product Name.

Price Variance is shown in either an orange, grey, or purple text depending on if you are priced below, at parity, or above the competitors price. Being priced at parity means you are at most 2% above or below the competitors price.

To view all matches, click on View All Matches. To minimize this selection, click on View Less Matches.

To visit the product on the competitor site, click on the globe icon and a new tab will open in your browser.

To remove a match, click on the (-) button in the Matched Products or Compare Matches section and our team will review the request within 24 hours.

3. Compare Matches

The third section of the Product Details page is the Compare Matches section where structured product metadata is used to easily compare competitor products against your product. Your product is always shown on the left-most column when scrolling through matched competitor products.