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California Is The First US State to Crack Down on Hidden Fees: What Travel Agencies Need to Know

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Loyalty on the Line: How Dynamic OTA Booking Rates Threaten Your CUG Agreements

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Zip It Up! Why Regional Pricing is the Secret Weapon for Retail Success

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Beyond B.A.E.: Winning in the Age of Big Travel Booking

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Utilizing Competitive Data for Airline Ticket Pricing

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From Millions of Rows to Millions in Revenue: How QL2 Reports Turn Data into Dollars

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Unveiling the Power of Web Scraping: Revolutionizing eCommerce Competitive Intelligence

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Understanding Repricing Risk: Strategies for Effective Management

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How Retailers Leverage Promotional Intelligence for a Competitive Edge

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Agile Decision-Making: How Price Scraping Empowers OTA Managers to Make Informed and Timely Choices

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Black Friday: The Ultimate Pricing Challenge for Retailers

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Price Testing and Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach to Increasing Sales

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Software Adoption: Why Users Resist New Tools and How to Win Them Over

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Using Assortment Optimization to Target Sales Demographics

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Data Scout: The Ultimate Data Tool to Enhance Your Travel Business Optimization

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Building Internal Business Cases for Competitive Intelligence by Measuring ROI

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The Importance of Data Acquisition Software for Small Businesses

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Psychology of Pricing Strategies for Effective Price Positioning

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Promotional Pricing: Finding the Right Balance for Sales and Profitability

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10 Things to Know About Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems

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Consumer Retail Spending Is Shifting — Here’s How To Rethink Your Pricing And Market Analysis

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Maximizing Profits: Avoiding The 5 Pricing Strategy Mistakes in The Travel Industry to Grow

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The Future of Assortment Optimization in 2023 and Beyond

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Pizza Promotional Strategies That Will Help You Make Money in the Future

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Uncovering Hidden Patterns: How Data Acquisition Revolutionizes Travel Planning

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Big Data: Unlock New Possibilities in Travel & Tourism

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Spicing Up Your Pricing Strategy: A Guide to Making the Most of Your Pizzeria Profits

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A Guide to White Label Products: Crafting Retail Success

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Uncovering the Potential: The Role of Competitive Intelligence Tools in the Travel Industry

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Introducing Price Alerts: Making Pricing Simpler than Ever

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10 Reasons You Need Competitive Intelligence Tools in 2023 and Beyond

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To Build (A Custom, In-House Technology Solution) Or Not To Build

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Unlock the Power of Real-Time Data in the Travel Industry

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The Benefits of Automation and Machine Learning in Competitive Analysis

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Competitive Intelligence Tools for the Pharmaceutical Industry

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6 Smart E-commerce Pricing Strategies for Retail Success

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The Future of Travel Pricing Optimization: Trends and Predictions Through 2023

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Zip Code Tracking and Coupon Strategies: Using Competitor Analysis Tools for Pizza Promotions

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Choosing the Best Web Scraping Tools for Your Business

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The Challenges We Face When Acquiring Competitive Pricing Data (Part 2)

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The Demand for Price Intelligence During Amazon Prime Day

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The Rise of Online Marketplaces – and What it Means for Pricing

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The Challenges We Face When Acquiring Competitive Pricing Data

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How to Take Advantage of Seasonality in Competitive Data

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Generating Insights from a QL2 Data Set: Used Car Example (Part 2)

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Generating Insights from a QL2 Data Set: Used Car Example (Part 1)

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Brands as Pricing Advisors: How to Improve Buyer Relationships and Increase Order Volumes

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White Label vs. Private Label: What’s the Difference?

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How Brands and Retailers Can Win in a Competitive Marketplace