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Editing Jobs

There are two ways you can edit the inputs of a job: with Wizard or within a spreadsheet application. For a small number of edits, use Wizard. For a large number of edits, edit the job in a spreadsheet application.

For more specific job editing information, view the Job Setup article for your vertical.

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Wizard is a convenient way to add inputs to a job. The platform contains a form that formats your inputs automatically. Using the Wizard to add inputs to a job is useful when you have a small number of edits.

NOTE: Wizard is currently only available for Travel clients.

How to Edit a Job Using Wizard:

  1. In the Jobs tab, select a job.
  2. In the Inputs section of the page, click Add Inputs.
  3. Fill out the form that pop-ups with the inputs you would like to add to the job.
  4. Click Submit.

Editing Spreadsheets

Using a spreadsheet application to edit a job is useful when making a large number of edits.

How to Edit a Job Using a Spreadsheet Application:

  1. In the Jobs tab, select a job.
  2. In the Inputs section of the page, select the Download icon next to the inputs you would like to edit.
  3. Open the spreadsheet according to your browser settings.
  4. Modify the spreadsheet to reflect the changes you want to make to the job.
  5. Save the spreadsheet in CSV format.
  6. Return to Data Scout.
  7. In the Inputs section of the page, select Upload File.
  8. Browse for the spreadsheet.
  9. Click Upload.

NOTE: If there are any duplicate inputs in your edited spreadsheet, a pop-up will appear to notify you of those duplicate rows when you upload the file. Select OK to upload only the new inputs.

Deleting Inputs

How to Delete Job Inputs:

  1. In the Jobs tab, select a job.
  2. In the Inputs section of the page, click on the trash can icon next to the inputs you would like to delete.
  3. Select Yes, I am sure when you are ready to delete the inputs.