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Admin Mode – Legacy

Administrator Mode gives you access to functions for managing searches under the status tab. The account setting for your organization determine the number of additional functions available. Not all accounts have administrator mode.

Click the Disable quick link at the top of any page within QL2 Live to enable administrator mode.

All tabs load additional data for your organization when Administrator Mode is enabled.

Functions of Administrator Mode:

  • View active and scheduled searches for your organization
  • Abort an active search
  • View the account that owns an active or scheduled search
  • View the contents of an active or scheduled search


Administrator Mode – Status Tab

  • Active Searches: table that displays the start time, name, type, status, priority, number of inputs, and percent complete for all active searches within the organization.
  • EndNow: select the EndNow link to abort an active search. The platform requires that you verify the action before aborting the search.
  • View: select the View link to view details about the active search. The page displays data QL2 uses to support your account as well as the status of the active search. Select the in.csv links to view each batch of inputs as the platform groups them to query a site. You can see the length of time a batch of inputs takes to complete as well as when the batch started and completed.
  • Scheduled Searches: table that displays the name of the search, the next start time, number of inputs, and account that owns the search.

If you are in an organization that has several accounts, you will see all the active and scheduled searches within your organization and are able to view or abort those searches. If you are in an organization that shares an account, the benefit of administrator mode is the ability to abort a search that is executing. After aborting a search, the system provides output for those inputs that executed before aborting the search.