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Opti Price Dashboard

The Opti Price dashboard consists of three charts:

  • Price Distributions
  • Competitor Price
  • Competitor Analysis


Price Distributions

The Price Distributions chart shows an overall view of how your products are priced against matched products, allowing you to quickly see if the shape of the distribution aligns with your pricing strategy.


Competitor Price

The Competitor Price chart breaks it down by competitor to give you better insight into the market and how your price points compare. This can be used as a starting point to make pricing adjustments to be inline with the market.


Category Analysis

The final chart presents information on Category Analysis. When considering competitive pricing, each category or line of products will have unique goals. This price distribution allows your category managers to quickly assess if the overall distribution aligns with expectations. Similar to the Competitor Price graph, each category or line of products will have unique goals. This price distribution allows your category managers to quickly assess if the overall distribution aligns with expectations. 


Reading Opti Price Charts

The Price Variance compares your price against the median price for matched competitors. The chart includes all match types.

The charts use color to group Price Variance bins into three groups.

  • Priced Below (orange) –  less than 2% the competitor price
  • Similar Price (grey) – within 2% the competitor price
  • Priced Above (purple) – greater than 2% the competitor price

If your goal is to be priced at or below the market, seeing a large percentage of your products in Purple (Priced Above) is an indicator that there are products that need your attention. To narrow in on those products, click on the column in the chart and you will redirect to a pre-filtered view of your products. You can also navigate to the Product Finder page and apply Price Variance Advance Filters.



Within Options, you are able to apply filters to these dashboards to get dynamic view changes. These filters include:

  • Region: for customer that are enrolled in region based pricing, you can filter by a specific region (zip code/city)
  • Price Type: regular or lowest price
  • Match Type: all matches, exact matches, or smart matches